Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stuffin' Shuffle

This entire week has been both busy and unlucky, but I'm thankful for the pelasent family downtime. I got in a car accident (it was his fault, not mine), so I'm dealing with the unpleasantness of insurance claims. My favorite uncle came to visit from Florida with his wife and new baby, which made the estrogen levels in my family hit an all time high (they are suffering from baby fever). My little sister and her army husband are staying in town before they are both transferred to Korea before Christmas. My 26th birthday is next week, and I'm excited to see what I'm going to get. Yesterday, I got stung in the finger by a bee and the swelling is slowing the process of my home made Christmas cards. There are a lot of friends and family coming and going this year, so it's almost time to make the rounds.

Last week I went outlet shopping with my baby fevered family, and I found a $60 pair of Lane Bryant jeans for $29. I bought a size 20 long, thinking this is going to be the last pair of fat pants I purchase and I need a nice pair for holiday togetherness (aka: pictures). I didn't try them on because I'm confident that 20's will be fine since my 18's are a little too tight, and my thighs felt sweaty from shopping. I tried the jeans on the next day, and they're too fucking small. I mean, I can zip them up, but they are by no means flattering. I'm considering exchanging them for a larger size, but that makes me want to kick myself in the ass for being in a size 22 jeans again. I never feel as fat as I am until I go shopping for new clothes.

Until 2011 ends, I'm going to stuff myself with turkey and cheesecakes and lemon bars and sweet potatoes, and I'm not going to feel the least bit guilty. This is the stuffin' shuffle. Or stuffing shovel. There's really no difference. My sister and I constantly joke with our chins pressed to our chests about eating our feelings, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to eat every feeling I have. I'm going to mix my adult beverages with real sodas, not diet, and I'm going to enjoy full flavored beers before I trade them in for bottles of wine. This is my last big fat hurrah before the new year starts, and some of my bad habits come to an end, yet again.

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