Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hello, My Name Is Kristin, And I'm Fat.

I'm pretty smart, pretty funny, pretty awesome, and I'm pretty fat. I'm a pretty fat white girl. If you like numbers, I'm 25 years old, 5'10", 270lbs. Size 20 jeans. I wear an impossible bra size 40B, XXL shirts to hide my belly. I have stretch marks on almost every part of my body: white, pink, and red. This is not the most I've ever weighed: I topped out at a very round 330lbs.

There are some people who would say "that's disgusting, how could you let yourself get like that?" These people have never struggled with obesity. The people that fret about gaining, loosing, or maintaining the same dreaded 10 pounds that everybody struggles with.

Then there are people almost or around 100 pounds or more overweight. These people gain and loose 50 or more pounds like it ain't no thang. These are my people. These are the weighty warriors. We fight constantly, a battle we wage on ourselves. Win or loose, it's a fascinating process.

A few summers ago, I dropped a bunch of weight and got down to a blissful 180, and a perfect (for me) size 14 jeans. The weight was lost naturally, through diet and exercise: the good ole' fashioned way. 4 years passed and I find myself quickly approaching that dreaded 300 pounds again, something I said I would never let happen. I've lost the weight before, and I'm about to do it again. Any questions?

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